Landemærket 10, 6th floor1119 Copenhagen
Denmark+45 33 36 44
Digital success is a journey, not a destination. It's not enough that your digital solution shines and plays perfectly the day you launch - it's in reality only here that the trip first starts. Therefore, a stable and integrated operations and support organization are at least as essential a companion as your development team if you want to achieve momentum in your solution.
Efficient operation and stable IT infrastructure are complex, work-intensive, and mission-critical - otherwise, you do not have a platform. Oddly enough, while many organizations agree with the above statement, operations are frequently a low-interest area and only come into focus when things don't perform as expected. Another way to describe cloud services is as IT maintenance handled online where you can advantageously outsource the most specialized areas to experts like us, no matter where and how you host your digital solution.
Our services include the setup of deployment processes and version control, security optimizations, and ongoing management of data resource consumption. We ensure stable and lightning-fast performance through load balancing, auto-scaling concerning peak load periods, complex CDN networks, and other administrative tasks related to operating a cloud-hosted solution. We work primarily with Microsoft Azure Cloud for general hosting requirements and Netlify and Vercel for hosting modern front-end technologies such as static site generation and serverless backend services.