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Digital climate friendliness

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What is digital climate friendliness

What does digital sustainability really mean? How do we apply sustainability in the digital world? Which direction should you go and what should you take action on? The questions are big when we talk about digital sustainability, and unfortunately there is no clear answer. We are dealing with a phenomenon that is in the making at the very moment, which just makes this rough diamond even more exciting to dive into.

Watch the conversation where Mie and Rune take you through some of the fundamental bricks of digital sustainability and look at some of the biggest problems the digital revolution has on the environment.

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Access the whole conversation about digital climate friendliness.

Have we lit a little green flame in you? At least we hope so.

In this conversation, Mie and Rune will take you around some of the fundamental cornerstones of digital climate friendliness and look at some of the biggest problems the digital revolution has on our world.

Get access to the full length of the conversation by filling out the form.

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